Anyway, Winston won first place--he went undefeated. I was a proud momma. Can I say that I have a great son? Every time his car won he never got overly excited, he would just calmly pick up his car with a slight smile and walk back to start of the track. He really is a humble kid. He reminds me so much of his dad. They both are calm, patient, caring and loving. I know that Winston doesn't realize this but I learn so much from him. I am so blessed to call him my son.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
And The Winner Is......
Anyway, Winston won first place--he went undefeated. I was a proud momma. Can I say that I have a great son? Every time his car won he never got overly excited, he would just calmly pick up his car with a slight smile and walk back to start of the track. He really is a humble kid. He reminds me so much of his dad. They both are calm, patient, caring and loving. I know that Winston doesn't realize this but I learn so much from him. I am so blessed to call him my son.
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Way to go Winston!
Very sweet post momma!
Way to go Winston!!!!
Thats awesome! He is so cute!
I tagged you! Check out my blog!
He is a sweet sweet boy. Good job Winston!!
I just tagged you! :)
Woo hoo! Go Winston!
What a lucky boy to have a momma who loves him so much!:)
love this boy! :) Good Job Winston! Beau is excited for you!!
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