Monday, January 12, 2009

Dancing To The WII!

This is Wyatt dancing to the Boxing Game Music on the Wii!

If you want to hear the "awesome music" you might need to turn it up! This is the dance his does when he has beat his opponent!


morewineplease said...


Mika Hinson said...

NO WAY that's a Church of Christ kid. NO WAY. I am CRACKING up!

It reminds me of Josh's reaction to the Price's Right...I should video that.

Megan@SortaCrunchy said...

WHOA! Full-on tumbling and everything! WOWZA! Go Wyatt!!

Katy said...

Hilarious! He and B ARE gonna so fall in love someday, I just know it. He he.
Maybe I should post about arranged marriages. He he. [not]

Chrisie said...

We have been wanting to get a Wii. It looks like alot of fun. Cole is a dancer too, so I guess he would get some use out of it too.

michelle matthews said...

TOO CUTE! I love it when little ones dancE!

Katy said...

Hi, My name is Katy and I want you to write a new post. I like what you have to say and need you to write something new. Thank you for your support and look forward to your newest post.

Katy said...

Hellooooo! You out there?